This last summer..... well this last summer was more epic than ever. I'm not implying that I haven't had some amazing summers these past years, because that would be a lie. Instead I guess I would describe this as a whole new time in my life. I was laid off in January and have been working freelance for the past few months, which I can honestly say is one of the best things that has happened to me. I've come across a hand full of new friends who are awesome people, and I am of course always surrounded by my family(you know who you are) all day everyday. All in all I just want to say thank you to all my old and new friends for sharing this wonderful summer with me, I am so greatful. I love you all : ) Barbecuing, laying around, water falling, hiking, all nighters, dancing, reefer smoking, karaoke, cha cha, skating, bar hopping, birthdays, photos love love love!!!

Photo credit: Anthony A.