Friday morning, the day we arrived from Vegas was my best friend Julia's birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIA!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I went over to the Darkroom that night to celebrate with her, but unfortunately I was so burnt I didn't even bring my camera, but I brought Greg as a present :). If you want to peep some photos check em out at
The day after I woke up to a phone call from one of my best friends Scotty. He informed me that another member of our family had committed suicide the night before. It took a minute for the news to hit me. I hung up and laid in bed while tons of memories raced through my head. After about an hour it hit me, I cried and cried, "I'm never going to see him again."I don't even think that for one second he thought he would have such impact on so many people, my heart is broken :( . To everyone else please think twice before the thought of hurting yourself ever crosses your mind, as much as you think you're alone in this world you're absolutely not. Speak up and you will realize how many people really do care.
A few days later we had a memorial up at the high school. Pretty much everyone came except for those who moved away. Somebody mentioned how it was kind of sad that it took something like this to happen for all of us to actually get together, so we're going to try and hang out more often. We had such a great time, we drank forty's and talked about all the dumb shit we used to do as kids. There's no friends like the ones you grew up with, let's not leave each other hanging again k.

Ian came through
Even pee wee came
To Everyone