Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cant we all just get along now


I've never realized how many people frown upon that beautiful green smelling plant mother earth created for us to sit back, relax and enjoy. Maybe its because most of my friends also enjoy the company of sweet maryjane, and even the ones that dont smoke are alright with her presence. Scientific studies show that marijuana causes short term memory loss, tar build up in the lungs, and asthma, but it also shows that it is beneficial to the treatment of AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain. Some people think we smoke to forget our problems and that being high numbs us to the environment that surrounds us. Right? WRONG.

About the memory loss, I can't say I fully agree with that statement. Yes a percentage of stoners don't remember certain things, but I for one do and know so many others who would agree. Yes ofcourse I can admit I can be forgetful at times, but I mean who isn't? It may cause asthma, and what not, but so do cigarettes and so many people support them. When I smoke her I am definately in a different state of mind, but not in a bad way. I sit, think, analyze, and break down things till they actually make sense. I dont think marijuana helps you forget your problems lol, in fact I think it helps you solve them. Especially when your with a fellow smoker and can exchange your different points of views. Yeah yeah theres the occasional rediculous theories but thats all just fun and games. Last but not least maryjane has brought me and some of my closest friends together:). I did not write this to try and convince anyone of what they believe. Many of you may not agree with this, but thats just your opinion and this is mine.

TEQUILA (billy)

I did some research and most tequilla consumed in the U.S is adultered tequila. Which pretty much means they add all this other shit to it, hence the shitty hangover you will most likely have the next day. So if you decide you wanna pick up a bottle of tequila make sure the label says its made from 100 percent blue agave, then you know you got the goods. I personally cannot drink the shit, its like Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde with me. I get mean and angry, does that just apply to me or is anyone else that way?

The best I know of is Patrone, any others?

I LOVE LOVE LOVE TACOS (kris this ones for you)

MMMMM I love tacos! That nice juicy carne asada, chicken, al pastor, or barbacoa meat. Topped with chopped onion, cilantro, either green or red salsa and a lil bit of lime.
On a nice warm tortilla that you bite into and all the juicyness drips out the other side. Mmmm you want one right??? Check these out

TOP TACO SPOTS IN L.A (in order):

#1.Cactus (vine and barton)

#2. Taco Zone (Alvarado in front of vons)

#3. 7 Mares (on sunset)

This will be fun:
Upcoming Events
Thursday, Aug. 27FLIP CREATIVEMusic Showcase w/ HOLLYWOOD KILL Tarantula Los Deans Noah Engh Diego Alpha Prevail / Doors 8pm - 2am / $12 cover at the Door

Alright this concludes my entry for the day, I'm tired of typing with one hand.



  1. the roach coaches also have the best tacos in all the land. some will give you avocado with them. mmmmmmmm

  2. I must have tacos at some point today now.

    I also am not a fan of Tequila.
