Lately....... I've been working on quitting stoggies these days, and let me tell you it really is hard. Alright... I will openly admit, I did relapse last night and the night before and completly regretting it today. I broke my wrist couple weeks ago on the 5th. Yes... I am bummin so hard about the sitch, but I guess theres really nothing I can do about it right. To top it off it had to be my precious left hand, the hand I use in my everyday life. Not to mention the cast goes past my elbow and I have to wear it for six weeks. I know what you're thinking, can it get any worse? The answer is yes! I can't skate and it hurts my heart. I have to learn to do everything with my right hand which is very hard considering i'm not right handed. I can't do my own hair,and please let it be known no one can do your hair that way you can, except ofcourse if you're a proffesional hairstylist which I dont have one of in my house. I've also been taking vics to ease the pain, alright alright they are good but their downfall is they make you really nautious. Last but not least typing with one hand blows. For all you people with broken arms, I am terribly sorry.
Tara's birthday was on Friday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA!) so we went out saturday night. We started off at the rainbow room on sunset strip where Janna met up with us, it was fun but it woulda have been better if there was kareokee. We then proceeded to The Dark room, a cool lil bar on Melrose and Poinsetia. While hanging out having some drinks we happened to bumb into Vanessa, and Stephanie showed up a little after. Just as we were gettin a lil saucy,it was already two a.m! Good thing my good ole friend Ana had a lil party goin on at her place and Vanessa was up for driving cause she the fuckin best haha. Upon our arrival all these wonderful familiar faces greeted us with smiles. What better way to be greeted right? There was also a moon bouncy thing in the back yee! 3 a.m and completely wasted julia played some tunes and I sang, walked down to the BLVD and caught a cab first try. Finally got home and smoked that beautifully smelling greenery I like to call treeees, and the night ended zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
The next morning I got a phone call from Ana Paola, Leticia, and Liza telling me they were coming to pick me up and we were going to Venice and getting tattoos, yee! So my crippled ass attempted to take what I would like to call the fastest shower a crippled could ever take. Got ready they scooped me up and we were on our way. We layed in the grass waiting for our guy to finish on some other client. Liza bought me a tattoo yeah yeah!! Thank you Liza I love u! Lele got her lip tatted Foda-se! haha and Liza got a pretty rose on the shoulder. We headed home and that was the end of my wonderful weekend.
I am work now and my arm hurts pretty bad, i weighed my arm and it weighs nine pounds woah...

Dont think i can make it :(
pictures coming soon
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