Alright well I just went on a lil camera hunt and i found a cannon 4.0 digital camera. Its simple but it'll do for now, I just need something. Anyhow last night was fun! Hami put together a good show at the King King bar. Its a lil bar behind the checks cashed on Whitley and Hollywood. Its pretty fucking cool, good bands, good friends, goodtimes :). I tried an irish car bomb for the first time, I think thats what its called, it was amazing! I got pretty shit faced and woke up on my balcony in my underwear haha, don't know how I got there. It sucks that I can't post up any pictures, but I guess me writting about it will have to do for now. Hami took a whole bunch once they're uploaded I'll post em.

Josh is comin over tonight, were working on a little music project. Its goin pretty good so far I like his music, it's nice and folky. As for Kings Road (the band) we've just been working on writting more songs, I really need to make this CD already, and get the show started. I don't have plans tonight, but The Shrine is playing tomorrow and I will be there. Everyone should come check them out, they're really good.
Lately I've been on a hunt for new subjects to film. I spoke to Josh L today and he said he's got a few things goin on that I can film. This is going to be good, really good. For starters I'm going to film the show tomorrow night, and a whole buncha side footage before they go on and after. Should be interesting. If anybodys reading this and wants me to film them let me know. I'm open to anything...... and no not porn haha.
Heres something else fun to do tomorrow. I really want to go, but I highly doubt I will find ride so I wont get my hopes up. Anyone who does drive should absolutely go.
This vicodins got me woozy... this was a short one....
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