Max and Tara came down Saturday night for some good ole times. It’s been forever since all of us have actually hung out and it was so fun! We went to The Darkroom had some drinks and caught up on all the random bullshit that’s been going on.
Max is cooking up a storm in his kitchen up in Wrightwood at the Grizzly Café where he works. I haven’t seen Max in forever and I missed him so much! Too fucking funny! Later that night we left the bar and headed to 7-11 where max fed into his lottery scratch ticket addiction. After Tara’s unconvincing reason for why he shouldn’t get one, he did and won 500 dollars!! YEE MAX!!!! He took us out to breakfast next morning with the money he won, thank you max!!! Unfortunately he is now stranded at Julia’s house because of the Wrightwood fires :(
Tara just finished filming for the new reality TV show airing on MTV November 1st called Styl’d ! This is very exciting news because we have been waiting for this moment for about two whole years now! We almost thought it was a no go. She also graduated Cal State Fullerton this year!!! OH YEAH!!! She’s currently working at Betsey Johnson down in New Port with a crazy bitter bitch for a manager. Don’t worry baby girl it’ll be over soon!
Stooph’s working at an amazing fine dining restaurant called Providence and has been there for almost a year already. YAY! She’s an amazing cook so if you ever get a chance to get her in your kitchen, do it! Pretty soon she'll permanently be on the hotline, I'm crossing my fingers baby gurl!! I haven’t had the chance to wine and dine there but I hear the food is amazing, so Tara and I are planning on going next month. We have to save up some cash first.
Tara what are u lookin at?
bada bing
Jules is alive and happy! She is currently working at the Wasteland on Melrose and lovin it. If you weren’t aware wasteland has some of the steeziest shit, which is why Julia’s closet is looking marvelous at the moment. She has also started up a new project called Cheyne walk photography. She’s been shooting numerous photos in the past few months, and let me just say the girl is very talented. Not to mention she shot these that I posted up on this entry, but you can check out some her better stuff on YEAH YEAH JULES!!
got em ha
shhh i quit!
Now as for me, I am no longer in my wonderful Hollywood area, but instead I am in the beautiful Echo Park which I love so dearly. I work downtown for Ed hardy corporate; I don’t have to wear the clothing so it’s totally fine Haha. I am throwing a mini music festival on October 17 and am so anxious for that wonderful day to come!!! Maybe some of you can make it, you should really try!!! My brother Carlos and I are in a band together called Kings Road and have been working on some good tunes. I am lovin my life, lovin my friends, and lovin my status . *sigh* <3 TLK <3 KINGS ROAD<3
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